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Thursday, May 13, 2010

The South China sea Island,

The South China sea Island
under the administration of Gungdong Province, include more then 200 coral islands, reefs, shoals and sand bars. Besides Huangyan Island, four island groups are named after their geographical locations in the south China Sea: Dongsha (East Islands), Xisha ( West Island), Zhongsha (Central Islands) and Nansha (South Islands).
The Dongsha Islands, the nearest island group to the mainland, are 140 nautical miles from Shantou on the mainland in the north.
The Xisha Islands, on the edge of the continental shelf southeast Island and 170 kilometers from the southern tip of that island, consist of over 30 reefs and are divided into the Xuande and Yongle island groups. Yongxing Island, the largest among them, covers an area of 2.65 square kilometers and is the seat of the people’s Goverment of the Xisha, Zhongsha and Nansha island groups.
The Zhongsha Islands, situated to the southeast of the Zisha, are composed of more then 20 reefs and shoals.
The Nashua islands contain more than 100 islets, reefs, shoals and sand bars studding the vast southern sea area south of the zhongsha islands. Of the four island groups, south Nashua is the one which is southernmost, is most scattered and has the largest number of reefs. Major islands are Taiping, zhongye and Nancie. Zemgmu, reef is the southernmost part of Chinese territory.
Frequented by fishermen from Guangdong Province, the south China sea islands have always been a part of china. The temperature here is high all year round and the rainfall plentiful. The entire area is rich in tropical resources, fish also large deposits of guano, a food fertilizer.


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