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Sunday, May 9, 2010

Hainan Island

Hainan Island
known for its tropical crops in its year-Ronda tropical climate, is on the continental shelf in the north of the south China sea facing the Keizhou Peninsula of Guangdong Province in the north across the Qiongzhou Straits. With an area of 34380 square kilometres, it is the second largest island in China. Its topography is low on four sides and high in the centre from which radiate the island’s rivers. Twenty per cent of the island is mountainous, 15 per cent hilly and 65 per cent is plain and tableland. Two major ports, Haikou and Yulu, are along its 1440-kilometere coestline. The HainanAdministrative Region is under the jurisdiction of Guangdong Province. known for its tropical crops in its year-Ronda tropical climate, is on the continental shelf in the north of the south China sea facing the Keizhou Peninsula of Guangdong Province in the north across the Qiongzhou Straits. With an area of 34380 square kilometres, it is the second largest island in China. Its topography is low on four sides and high in the centre from which radiate the island’s rivers. Twenty per cent of the island is mountainous, 15 per cent hilly and 65 per cent is plain and tableland. Two major ports, Haikou and Yulu, are along its 1440-kilometere coestline. The hainan Administrative Region is under the jurisdiction of Guangdong Province.


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