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Sunday, May 9, 2010


China;s vast sea area has more then 5000 islands, with a total area of 80000 square kilometers. Over 90 Percent of these are less then one square kilometers in area
About 60 Per cent of china;s islands are in the East china sea, 30 per cent in the south China Sea, and 10per cent in the Bohai and Hunghai seas. Most of them area situated off the coast of Zhejiang, Fujian and Guangdong provinces.
China’s islands can be divided into three types, based on how they were formed: (1) rock islands-more than 90 per cent of the country’s islands including Taiwan and Hainan formed directly from the action of the geological structure of the mainland and continental, shelf;(2) alluvial islands-mainly at the months of the Chongqing, zhujiang and some other rivers-formed out of the mud and silt carried down by these rivers as they flow into the sea; (3) coral islands such as the Dongsha Xisha, Zhongsha and Nansha island groups, built up from the deposits of tropical marine organisms.


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