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Thursday, April 8, 2010

The Bohai

The Bohai

The sea passage for the northern provinces and the maritime gateway to the nation's capital Beijing is an inland sea caved in to the land mass in the north enclosed by the Shantung and Liaoding peninsula which the Bohai straits in its east its only passage to the Huanghai sea. It is the smallest of china's seas - 300 nautical miles long from northeast to southwest and 187 nautical miles long from west to east covering an area of 77,000 square kilometers with an average depth of only 18 meters most of the sea in frozen in winter. The Bohai fishing ground abounds in giants prawns as well as crabs and yellow crackers. The sea may be divided in to five areas: the Liaodong Bay the central shallow - sea Basin and the Bohai straits. The Bohai has a smooth floor covered with silt and carried down by the Huangine (Yellow River), Haine, Liane and Luanda rivers. Its maximum depth at Laotians, Dalian is 78 meters.


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